Welcome to Endeavour Energy Sdn. Bhd.

Mercury Handling & Monitoring Services

Mercury Handling & Monitoring Services

Mercury is silver gray metallic poisonous element (liquid at ordinary ambient temperatures). Mercury can also exist in a vapor form. The symbol of mercury is Hg which is stand for Hydrargyrum. Poisoning can be result from mercury vapor inhalation, mercury ingestion, mercury injection, and absorption of mercury through the skin.

Services offering as per below:

1. Monitoring mercury level
2. Mercury waste handling, packaging & labelling
3. Decontamination services (Personnel & Equipment)
4. Laboratory Testing
5. Awareness & comprehensive training
6. Face mask fit testing
7.Consultation services

Our objectives of services provided are to ensure :

1. A safe working environment for the Oil & Gas workers
2. To minimize to as low as reasonably possible any cross contamination when dealing with mercury or its compounds